I've created www.RadioactiveSoftware.com - a much needed new website for Radioactive Software. That is the new location of my homepage, so please update your bookmarks, etc. I will leave this website ( www.radioactive-software.com ) online indefinitely because I've had it up for about 13 years, and a lot of stuff links to it. But from now on this page will no longer be updated.
Click to visit the NEW Radioactive-Software Homepage!

I'd like to announce Killing Horizon which is Radioactive-Software's next game. I have a lot of big plans for the game - and will be self-publishing it. By putting myself in total control of the project, I can assure the players receive the best possible experience! I will post more information about the game, and some early screenshots below!
Click to view screenshots and read about Killing Horizon ...

Killing Horizon is an online hybrid Real-Time Strategy/3rd Person Shooter game where players can fight for control over large battlefields, gathering planetary resources to expand their faction's hold on the planet. There are several gameplay modes in Killing Horizon - ranging from territory control, and resource gathering, to arcade-like Arena Combat modes for honing your killing skills. The game supports up to 64 players-per-game server, and features an advanced order management system where players can issue orders to each other and gain global experience-points for successfully completing them. Instead of having a single commander, the team's orders will basically be determined by the team and players' willing to complete them. The game also features a wide variety of weapons and vehicles you can use to annihilate the enemy!
Click to view screenshots and read about Killing Horizon ...

I'd like to develop Killing Horizon directly with the players. I need YOUR help! I'll be offering a generous "early adoption", "pre order" version of the game, which will allow you instant early access to the project (plus a full version when completed), and allow me to work directly with you to develop the game into exactly what, you, the players want! I'll be posting weekly updates and Developer Journal updates on the progress of the project. I will also post new builds of the game to the early adopters on a near weekly basis. For the latest information please create a free Radioactive-Software Account and stay tuned to this webpage for more information!
- Danny Green President, Radioactive-Software
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare - Coming to Steam! | 2/4/2012 |
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare is going to be released for the Steam platform in March 2012. I've just returned from my publisher, Paradox Interactive's, press event in Stockholm, Sweden. It was a great adventure hanging out in a Swedish castle and showing the game to all the press that were there.

The game has come a long way since the last news update, I'm sorry for being so quiet...it's just an absurd amount of work. Sometimes posting late-night entries and posts is too much for me these days. I prefer to keep it brief and post on the game's Facebook Page, on the game's twitter @ArmoredWarfare or my personal twitter @TheRealDGreen so those would be the best places to check for regular updates on the game!
I'm also working on the webpage for the game Gettysburg: Armored Warfare I'll have that up and running shortly.

For those of you who don't know - Gettysburg: Armored Warfare is a multiplayer game that merges RTS and FPS gameplay. With technology brought from 2060 to try and change the course of U.S. history, players will enter an alternate reality of the war as they fight for the North or South in 64-player-per-server battles. The game features persistent statistics, cloud support, and ability to share user created maps via Steam and the built in world editor. I've programmed the entire game myself, and it's currently nearing the end of BETA testing.

There were a ton a great press at PIC '12 hanging out in the castle! It was a great time, I will post links below to some of my favorite articles I've found - Gamespy / IGN did a preview of the game. Here is a good write-up from Rock, Paper, Shotgun - Eyes on Gettysburg: Armored Warfare.
The Angry Joe Show posted a great video interview and walkthrough of the game. I did an interview with RTS Guru Interview where they asked some pretty good questions - specifically about the direction of the game after release, and DLC plans.
Plus Game Trailers has a few videos of the game I do a walkthrough of the gameplay. There is some more gameplay footage here at Games Radar, they hooked their recording device up directly to the computer. Here is a preview of Gettysburg: Armored Warfare from RTS Guru. Here is a youtube version of the Angry Joe Preview preview of the game if that wasn't enough media for you to digest. Plus the awesome guys over at DESTRUCTOID posted a video clip of the game being demoed. Also Gamers Daily News wrote up a detailed 3 page preview of the game.
Thanks for the support guys, especially those who have been following my games for a while!
- Danny Green President, Radioactive-Software

Check out Gettysburg: Armored Warfare on Facebook, and Twitter!

Gettysburg: Armored Warfare - Official Announcement | 3/1/2011 |
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare has been officially announced by Paradox Interactive, you can read about it HERE. They also released a video interview with me, you can watch it on youtube HERE.
GDC, SAN FRANCISCO– March 1, 2011– Paradox Interactive today announced Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, a free-to-play, online action game that brings futuristic weapons to an alternate reality of the Civil War. The hybrid Real-time- Strategy (RTS)/ First-Person shooter (FPS) game will offer 32 vs. 32 battles with multiple game modes as Union and Confederate troops fight to change the course of history. Developed by Radioactive Software, Gettysburg: Armored Warfare is powered by Paradox Connect, and scheduled to launch later this year.
Gettysburg: Armored Warfare is a free-to-play online game that merges RTS and FPS gameplay. With technology brought from 2060 to try and change the course of U.S. history, players will enter an alternate reality of the war as they fight for the North or South in 32 vs. 32 skirmishes. The game features persistent statistics which will showcase the best players in the game and offer modification and customization of player avatars.
Main Features: * Free-to-Play * 64 Players per server * 4 maps ( 9km x 9km in size ) * Over 1,000 controllable units on the battlefield at once * Play as Union or Confederate * 10 Unit types * Modifications&upgrades for units * Persistent Point/XP system and Stat Tracking * Upgradable avatars ( Using points/XP ) * 3 Unit game modes ( Only 1860s, Only hybrid 2060s, and All types ) * Paradox achievements
The news has already been posted a few other places, here are some links: RTSGuru Preview of Gettysburg:Armored Warfare Blue's News Story about G:AW Paradox Presents an Alternate Version of the Civil War with Gettysburg - MCVUK Gettysburg:AW - Developer Diary (PC) - GameSpot Video Gettysburg: Armored Warfare Announced - CPUGamer: PC Gaming My Developer Journal Entry on Gamedev.net
We've also released some fresh concept art showing the Heavy Soldier :-)

A little while ago I also posted the first "Developer Diary" and released a few early screenshots. These are PRE-ALPHA screenshots, click the links for more information. Gamedev.net Developers Journal Entry Paradox Interactive Forum Post of the Dev. Diary Entry Radioactive-Software forum post of the entry

Check out Gettysburg: Armored Warfare on Facebook, and Twitter!

Armored Warfare (PC Game) | 2/13/2010 |
Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since an update on this front page. I've been really busy working on my gangster game, Urban Empires - and on top of that, over the last year I've been developing a new multiplayer computer game called Armored Warfare... [ www.ArmoredWarfare.com ] [ www.ArmouredWarfare.com ] It's a 64 player-per-server multiplayer vehicle combat game. Supporting up to 64 vehicles, and up to 1024 NPC soldiers per map. The game also features aerial dropships, pillboxes, artillery, and more. Players can exit their vehicle and control their soldier on foot - from a third or first person perspective. There is no monthly fee to play the game. I've already released a public BETA version of the game - and I'm currently deciding on releasing BETA v2.0 of it since I'm trying to acquire a publisher to help me formally test/QA/distribute the game.
Please visit the game's homepage for screenshots, videos, and more information.

Though the game is centered around vehicle combat, there can be up to 1024 human soldiers (roadkill) on each battlefield. Below are a few high-res work-in-progress (WIP) screenshots of a new soldier model that was recently created for the game. The map shown in the screenshots is the Wasteland level. The game also features dense grassland environments, arctic maps, and a Normandy style beach assault map via hovercrafts and aerial dropships. Some things like advanced shading on the character models, and more atmospheric smoke and dust effects are being worked on daily. I'm also playing around with some kinds of vegetation system beyond what I had in this game months ago.
As usual I've been posting updates in my Developers Journal, on the Forums, and some videos on my Youtube Account. Although I've been focusing on this project recently I've still been updating the Urban Empires technology, and will be releasing new information/media/etc about the game soon. I know it's been a long time in development...sorry about that, but I appreciate your patience. - Danny Green President, Radioactive-Software
Click on each image for a high-resolution version.

Urban Empires Update | 10/22/2008 |
Hello guys, it's been a while since the last Urban Empires update (on the front page at least). I've been posting updates in my developers journal, on the Forums, and some videos on youtube. I'll continue to do this until the game is done...
Here are links to two areas that I update most, check here for the most current information/progress/videos of the game.

These aren't 'official' game pages or anything like that, they are just some things that I'm keeping up so that people can see the progress on the game. Here is the official game's homepage [ www.urbanempires.com ]...

Urban Empires is a Multiplayer Gangster game. It combines traditional Real-time Strategy gameplay with the ability to control any of your gangsters at any time, the game is centered around a multiplayer online experience, with up to 64 players per server.
I've just received the final few weapons for the game, bringing the total to 51 different weapons in the game. I'll leave you with screenshots of 3 of the latest.
- Danny Green President, Radioactive-Software

Urban Empires Update | 4/25/2008 |
Hey guys, sorry to leave you so long without an Urban Empires update :-) Just in-case you forgot Urban Empires is a Multiplayer Gangster game. It combines traditional Real-time Strategy gameplay with the ability to control any of your gangsters at any time, the game is centered around a multiplayer online experience.
I can assure you work is still progressing as fast as I can type. Many of you know that I'm essentially a one man shop doing this whole game, so as you can imagine the workload is immense.
I do have an update and a short announcement about the online/multiplayer aspects of the game. I'm currently "in the trenches" re-coding the multiplayer aspects that were 90% good to go about a year ago, to make sure it's quality netcode. I've also updated the server specs to support 64-players per game server.
Currently I've got UE game servers running in London, Raleigh, Atlanta, and Dallas in preparation for the game's BETA testing, I'm also running stress tests on the MasterServers and the whole Urban Empires network. As usual be sure to stop by the Forums or my Developers' Journal for the latest on the game's development!
Any future announcements regarding the game will be made through the Urban Empires homepage/website [ http://www.urbanempires.com ]. You can click this preview image to visit the site.
- Danny Green President, Radioactive-Software

Quick Urban Empires Update... | 11/22/2007 |
I'm working as fast as I can to get the project to a BETA ready state. Though as usual things are taking longer than expected/hoped. Keep checking back for more updates, I'll try to update the site more frequently. There is a lot of artwork still to be created for the game, and there is still a lot of code to be written/tested.
I'll post 2 images the latest guns to come from my weapons artist. Hope you like 'em.
Stay tuned for more updates [ Developers' Journal and Forums ]
Urban Empires is a Multiplayer Gangster game. It combines traditional Real-time Strategy gameplay with the ability to control any of your gangsters at any time, the game is centered around a multiplayer online experience.
- Danny Green Lead Programmer / Artist / Designer / President of Radioactive-Software

Urban Empires - Update & Some new vehicles | 11/17/2007 |
The game is progressing slowly but surely...there is an insane amount of work for me to do everyday, luckily I enjoy it :-)
Everything from 3D sound effects, ~1000 voiceovers, a kick-ass theme song, and progress on AI and physics have been going on recently. Also re-writing the networking code, since Urban Empires is centered around an Online experience, with 18 people per-game-server. There are so many aspects that I have to hand design/code myself...if you have 4 years of free time on your hands I highly recommend it. November 3rd, 2007 marked the 4th year of my work on the project (2 years fulltime). I started with a blank directory, and an idea ;-)
Expect the multiplayer BETA to start 'soon'...just keep checking back for news.
Also my car artist has been cranking out some amazing work for me, I'll post some screenshots below that show a few of the new vehicles. The screens are @ 1920x1080 with 4X FSAA, HDR lighting+bloom, soft-shadows [25 samples per-pixel], and a basic depth-of-field effect. I'm working on getting the motion-blur back into the game and I'll have a much better version of the DOF effect soon. Also these screens are taken @ medium texture quality [ 1024x1024 textures, since using 2048x2048 textures for all vehicles/characters would require GBs of video memory ].
There is also heavy working going on in terms of the environment. I have an in-game city/world editor that I can use to create cities for the game [ and so can you ]. The cities in the screenshots recently are simple randomly-generated city blocks. Also there are no streetside objects, etc. I'm getting some new buildings made for the game, and I'm also doing some environment artwork of my own. Up to this point I made all of the buildings in-game myself.
Stay tuned for more updates [ Developers' Journal and Forums ]
Urban Empires is a Multiplayer Gangster game. It combines traditional Real-time Strategy gameplay with the ability to control any of your gangsters at any time, the game is centered around a multiplayer online experience. The game will be released in early 2008.
- Danny Green Lead Programmer / Artist / Designer / President of Radioactive-Software

Urban Empires - Still grindin'... | 10/27/2007 |
I'm still grinding away on the game...getting closer and closer to the BETA date. It's down to a matter of weeks now. There are literally 100s of aspects of the project that I'm working on...things from the auto-update system, vehicle physics, SWAT team AI, all the way down to tweaking the HDR lighting values. It's really a never ending amount of work.
But yea, stay tuned for more updates [ Developers' Journal and Forums ]
The Urban Empires Multiplayer BETA is coming soon...
- Danny Green Lead Programmer / Artist / Designer / President of Radioactive-Software

Urban Empires Update - Some new screenshots | 10/2/2007 |
I've got a new update with a lot of new screenshots of the game. Right now the game is very much in a transition stage, with deadlines fast approaching I'm trying to get as much in there as I can before major testing begins.
Visually I'm happy with the new direction the game is taking, it's about 75% where I want it to be...I'm working on a lot of new city artwork and most of the other artwork is about 30% complete so there is still a lot of content that will be showing up.
Soon I will begin my 3rd pass on the physics, netcode, gameplay, etc...then the game should be ready for some testing :-) I've basically re-written the graphics engine over the last 2-3 weeks. As well as updated every major system in the game.
This should be the first of many new updates showing the rapid progress of the game. There will be a lot of new screenshots in the coming weeks and months, so stay tuned. You can always closely follow the game's development through my Developers' Journal, also be sure to drop by the Forums for sexy-good-times.
Here is the link to the official press release by my publisher for all the key features of the game, and more! Strategy First Press Release - October 2, 2008.
Urban Empires is a Multiplayer Gangster game. It combines traditional Real-time Strategy gameplay with the ability to control any of your gangsters at any time, the game is centered around a multiplayer online experience. The game will be released in early 2008.
- Danny Green Lead Programmer / Artist / Designer / President of Radioactive-Software

