Danny Green
-2D/3D artist
-President of Radioactive-Software
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Danny has been programming in C since he was 12 years old. Starting out with basic text based games, then moving to 2D games using the Allegro game library. After doing some very basic 3D work using Allegro, Danny moved on to start making games using OpenGL. Many of these earlier projects were small, and never finished...and do not exist anymore.
After a year or so of OpenGL work, Danny transitioned to using DirectX for rendering in his games. During his Junior Year of College/University Danny decided to take "time off" to focus full-time on finishing his current project Urban Empires, After signing a world-wide publishing contract. Danny is currently 24 years old, and based on the success of Urban Empires he'll either continue building Radioactive-Software, or get a job at another game company.
Danny and Radioactive-software are currently based out of Cary, North Carolina. Danny has an office located in downtown Cary, but does most work from his home office.